Hidden Oaks Horses
Hidden Oaks Horses is nestled in the beautiful Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, and is located just outside of the charming Old West Town of Joseph, Oregon noted for its Artist Community and breathtaking Wilderness Areas.
International Airports that service our area:
Lewiston, Idaho (LWS) 2 hrs; Spokane, WA (GEG) 3.5 hrs;
Boise, Idaho (BOI) 4 hrs; Tri-Cities, WA (PSC) 3 hrs
Portland, OR (PDX) 6 hrs
Local Airport in Joseph, OR
As a vacation destination, there are hotels, B&B,
& Airbnb accommodations locally and a variety of restaurants & entertainments.
Hidden Oaks Horses offers RV hookups on site.
We welcome your visit!
Marina Parris Woodhead, Owner & Trainer
Barn Address: 83988 W Lewis Lane, Joseph, Oregon
Mailing Address: PO Box 41, Joseph, Oregon 97846
Phone: 816-797-0879 cell
Email: hiddenoakshorses@cs.com
Please feel free to Contact Us for any additional information - We'd love to hear from you!